For Young Families

There are many benefits to becoming a part of our community, especially so for young families. Because we are a small congregation, our members have the ability to become as involved as they desire. No face or voice is overlooked, and everyone is able to fully participate in all aspects of Jewish life.

For Everyone

  • Services every Friday so that we may all worship as a community.
  • Holiday observances and events throughout the year to observe the yearly cycle.

For Adults

  • Beginning Hebrew courses for those new to the language or those needing a refresher course.
  • Adult Education courses with the type and variety of topics varying from year to year.
  • Sisterhood organization for any woman desiring to participate.
  • The opportunity to attend services led by a variety of congregants, Rabbis and student-Rabbis alike, as well as lead a service if they so desire.

For Children

  • Religious school offered from approximately Kindergarten through Confirmation.
  • Life cycle events (brit milah, naming ceremonies, bnai mitzvah, etc) in a beautiful and historic setting.
  • The opportunity to fully participate in events throughout the year.
  • A variety of ages to learn with, as well as multiple educators to assist with their Torah education.


Simultaneously, our community is large enough that we host a quite diverse spectrum of members. We have doctors, lawyers, homemakers, students, and the full spectrum in between. Our children range in ages from baby all the way to confirmation. We have large families made up of many generations, as well as singles who call the community as a whole their own.

Whether you decide to meet our community as a visitor or as a potential lifelong member, we are excited to have you!

For more extensive information and ways to help bring Judaism into your family, please visit